Ritual 4:2 The tree search

In December, I'm exploring ritual. You can read more about my photos for the Everyday Beauty project here.

It's one of my favorite things we do in preparation for the Christmas season - the whole ritual of the drive to the tree farm, the bundled trek through the rows of Fraser firs, the quest for "the one."  My kids love the adventure of it (we do our best to make our enthusiasm for it contagious in any temperature!).  This year we ambled around the very picturesque Evergreen Farm.

It's never the perfection the photos might suggest, because real life is certainly messier. There was nap skipping and car catnapping; a lollipop to keep big brother quiet and busy while his sister snoozed a few more minutes in the parked car, engine running.  The toddler who looks so pleased to be perched on her father's shoulders was displeased in equal measure when she was forced to dismount so he could saw down our prize.

But in all that, so much beauty. Cold December sunshine, a rambling old farmhouse, rustic barn, all those firs, being together.



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